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Government Jobs In South Sudan

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Vacancies In South Sudan

SOUTH SUDAN JOBS DILEMMA: South Sudan to regulate employment of foreign workers

Posted: Feb 18, 2022 · Vacancies in South Sudan. National Project Officer , Juba, South Sudan. UNESCO – United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Updated: 2022-02-18T02:25:18Z. Senior Liaison Officer, Juba, South Sudan. UNMISS – United Nations Mission in South Sudan. Updated: 2022-02-18T01:17:46Z.

Unicef Nutrition Officer Jobs In South Sudan

Posted: UNICEF Nutrition Officer Jobs in South Sudan. Job organizational context: The Nutrition Officer is to be used in a Country Office where the Nutrition Programme is a component of the Country Programme . The Nutrition Officer reports to the Chief Field Office who is at Level 3. Purpose for the Job:

People In The Us From Sudan And South Sudan Can Stay With Temporary Legal Status To Escape The Conflict And Natural Disasters In Their Homelands

WASHINGTON People in the U.S. from Sudan and South Sudan can stay with temporary legal status to escape the conflict and natural disasters in their homelands, the Department of Homeland Security announced Wednesday. It faces pressure to grant the same to Ukrainians.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas cited political instability, unrest, and armed conflict as he approved a new designation of Sudan for what’s known as temporary protected status and extended an existing one for neighboring South Sudan.

There are 12 countries whose nationals receive temporary protected status, a program that former President Donald Trump sought to curtail amid criticism of frequent extensions that have enabled people to live in the U.S. for years in a kind of legal limbo.

Members of Congress have recently called on the Biden administration to grant the status to people from Ukraine following Russia’s invasion of their country.

South Sudan has been designated for TPS since 2011, and it has been extended in 18-month increments ever since. Sudan has been designated since 1997 and was re-designated to account for the recent military takeover of the government.

They were one country until 2011, when the south seceded following decades of civil war.

After careful consideration, I have decided to offer temporary protection to Sudanese and South Sudanese nationals in the United States until conditions in each country improve and individuals can safely return, Mayorkas said in a statement.

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Invest In South Sudan Research Says University Don

Nichola Mandil

BBC News, Juba

The head of one of South Sudan’s top private universities says the country’s institutions must invest in research.

“As South Sudanese, don’t be left behind in theworld. Be aware of the world in which we live, the dot-com-generation world.Anything that is not documented in research is not valuable,” saidChancellor Kenneth Mutuma Wyne to graduating students of Starford InternationalUniversity College of South Sudan.

“There are Europeans who become experts on South Sudan because South Sudanese don’t write research about South Sudan. We are tired of non-Africans writing research about Africa,” he added.

The message at the weekend ceremony resonated with many, including Ruot George Wal Mut, who used to live in a UN refugee camp and has just graduated with a degree in international relations and diplomacy:

“It is time for us to believe in ourselves and in our local expertise, and not to rely so much on foreign skills. If this advice is taken seriously and implemented, it will change the situation in South Sudan.”

He said the day marked a “double celebration” for him – “my graduation and also the birth of my baby girl just a few hours after my graduation. I am very, very happy,” he told the BBC.

South Sudan’s private universities are considered more competitive than its public ones, but the $200 fee per semester is off limits for most in the country given the dire economic situation.

Un Condemns Looting Of South Sudan Aid Facilities

The trouble with South Sudan

Nichola Mandil

BBC News, Juba

The UN has strongly condemned violence and looting in South Sudan’s oil-producing Unity State in the northern part of the country.

An incident in Leer county is said to have led to the injury and death of civilians, destruction of assets and looting of humanitarian commodities.

One humanitarian aid worker from a non-governmental organisation supporting the community with nutrition services was killed during the violence.

Attacks against civilians, looting of aid intended to support the most vulnerable is unacceptable. This behaviour must stop, UN’s acting Humanitarian Coordinator in South Sudan, Matthew Hollingworth, said in a press release.

Health and nutrition facilities in Gandor, Guat, Luol and Padeah were reportedly looted.

Mr Hollingworth says more than 3,600 children supported by these facilities will not receive timely access to nutrition services because of the violence.

He said an estimated $80,000 worth of supplies were looted from two facilities in Gandor and Luol, which he said would have provided three months of health and nutrition supplies to some 14,000 people in need in the area.

Since March, there has been an increase in such incidents across South Sudan – with young men attacking and killing a number of aid workers and looting assets.

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Every Open Entry Position At Unicef In Leadership Located

Posted: Open positions in the United Nations: new job openings and vacancies. Every open Entry position at UNICEF in Leadership located in Sudan. Openings Mentoring Search Your Applications. Every open Entry position at UNICEF in Leadership located in Sudan. UNICEF – United Nations Children’s Fund.

Ukraine Conflict: South Sudan Urged To Condemn Russia

Nichola Mandil

BBC News, Juba

Western diplomats in SouthSudan have urged the country support a UN resolution condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The United Nations General Assembly will on Wednesday vote on a resolution censuring Russia over its invasion of Ukraine.

Dozens of states are expected to formally abstain from the vote or not engage at all, Reuters news agency reports.

We are justhoping that as the newest member of the UN, South Sudan will stand with the UN principles, stand with this international rule-based order that ispreserving us from warfare and votes with the vast majority of theinternational community in favour of this resolution, Marc Trouyet, the French ambassador to South Sudan told reporters in the capital,Juba.

The South Sudan government has not responded to the diplomats’ call.

Juba has neither condemned nor supported Russian aggression since the conflict broke out last week.

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A Letter Of Concern And A Call To Action From Members Of The Troika Canada France Germany And The European Union

TO: The South Sudan Transitional Government of National Unity


First Vice President Dr. Riek MacharVice President Hussein AbdelbagiVice President James Wani IggaVice President Taban Deng GaiVice President Rebecca Nyandeng Garang

A letter of concern and a call to action from members of the Troika, Canada, France, Germany and the European Union:

On 9 July 2021, South Sudan will celebrate ten years since gaining independence. Independence was hailed as a path to a better life for the people of South Sudan, one that would bring lasting peace, freedom, and opportunities. We collectively praise the continued courage, strength, and patience of the people of South Sudan in their pursuit of this vision.

Over the last ten years, however, conflict, humanitarian crises, and instability have impeded the achievement of these important objectives. Durable peace, stability and development remain elusive. Implementation of the revitalised peace agreement has been too slow. Much work remains to be done to ensure the full and collegial implementation of power sharing provisions and the establishment of functioning governance structures.


Date Modified:

Unicef South Sudan Internship Programme Open To Nationals

South Sudan government declares âjobs for locals ideologyâ?

Posted: Jun 12, 2018 · The UNICEF South Sudan Internship Programme offers qualified and eligible students who are nationals of South Sudan the unique opportunity to acquire direct practical experience in UNICEFs work under the direct supervision of experienced UNICEF staff. UNICEF works in some of the worlds toughest places, to reach the worlds most disadvantaged

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South Sudan President Sacks Central Bank Governor

Nichola Mandil

BBC News, Juba

South Sudans President Salva Kiir has dismissed thecentral bank governor and appointed a replacement.

The dismissal of Dier Tong Ngor was announced in apresidential decree read on the national broadcaster on Monday night.

No reasons were given for his sacking.

He was replaced by Moses Makur Deng who has been adirector-general in charge of banks supervision and research at the bank.

South Sudans economy is driven by oil, which accountsfor nearly 90% of the countrys national budget.

The economy is in a bad shape due to the conflict and thedrop in global oil price as a result of Covid-19 pandemic.

Some South Sudanese online have welcomed the appointmentof Mr Deng and urged him to improve the economy.

Fao Job: ‘south Sudan Republic Of

Posted: UN Job List – Redirect to vacancy: South Sudan : Agriculture Statistics Expert in Food and Agriculture Organization Country: South Sudan offered by FAO VA ID: 275251. All vacancies compiled by Sebastian Rottmair. For a full list of all jobs visit the UN Job List homepage at

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South Sudan Has Received 05m Covid Vaccines So Far

Nichola Mandil


The World Health Organization has said that South Sudan hasreceived in total more than half a million doses of Covid-19 vaccines some manufactured by Oxford AstraZeneca but most from Johnson & Johnson.The donations to South Sudan have mainly come from the Covid-19 VaccinesGlobal Access initiative and the US government.As a result of these donations, nearly 180,000 South Sudanese out of a population of at least 11 million have been fully vaccinated.

But almost half the doses have not yet been used and there are more to come.We have a lot of vaccine in our hands we already have half a millionthat has reached South Sudan, and by the end of this year or sometimein January, we will have approximately one million doses, Dr Brendan Dineen, WHOs Covax Coordinator in South Sudan said.

“We continue torequest that people be vaccinated,” he added.

Job And Vacancies At South Sudan

South Sudans rivals form unity government meant to end ...

Posted: Feb 16, 2022 · PhD – yes or not. Do you really need PhD to be hired in UN? Salaries at the UNDP and UN How to get a job in United Nations, UNDP or NGOs? Personal experience. Part 1. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS AND WORK EXPERIENCE FOR NEEDED FOR UN AND UNDP How to write motivation letters? Tips. How to get a job in United Nations, UNDP or NGOs?

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Various Vacancies With Fao South Sudan 11/05/2017

Posted: May 11, 2017 · FAO – Vacancy announcement for IT Associate – 11/05/2017. UNICEF Consultancy: Assessment of WASH Enabling Environment in the East Asia and Pacific Region, Job Number: 504203 – 04/05/2017. The Radio Community – Various jobs in Aweil – 20/04/2017. FAO – National M& E Officer -Juba – 13/04/2017. UNICEF Job opportunity –

Un Aims To Limit Potential South Sudan Election Violence

Nichola Mandil


The UNs peacekeeping mission in South Sudan says it is prepared to contain any possibility of violence related to electionsscheduled to take place in 2023.

South Sudan has never conducted elections since becomingindependent 10 years ago. A vote scheduled for 2015 could not take placedue to the conflict that erupted in December 2013.

Last month, President Salva Kiir announced that electionswould take place at the end of the transitional period in 2023.

But last week, First Vice-President Riek Machar warnedagainst holding elections before a unified national army is formed.

President Kiir and Mr Machar formed a unity governmentin February last year to end conflict between their rival forces and agreed toform a unified army of 83,000 troops, a key part of the 2018 peace agreementthey are yet to fulfil.

We want to limit the possibility of violence before theelections, during the elections and after the elections if the parties choosenot to accept the results,” Unmiss head Nicholas Haysom told reporters in the capital, Juba, on Wednesday.

“I dont think there is a golden script for theelections. It is really a decision for South Sudanese to decide under whatconditions they want to conduct the elections, Mr Haysom continued.

In March this year, the UN Security Council determined thatthe situation in South Sudan continued to constitute a threat to internationalpeace and security in the region, and extended the mandate of Unmiss until 15 March 2022.

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The Politics Of Localisation

These policies have been commended but they could play into dangerous dynamics. Hostility towards non-local employees mirrors the increasing ethnicisation of politics throughout South Sudan, and reflects the acute absence of a national compact.

The question of who counts as local is nettlesome. At a UN-protected displacement camp in Malakal, for example, one young ethnic Lou Nuer man told The New Humanitarian he was unable to find an aid agency job, partly because locals tell him he is not from Upper Nile and should return to Jonglei, from where he fled clan violence.

Meanwhile in Renk, the local population is the Abialang Dinka, and it is they who have demanded the localisation of job hires. However, much of Upper Nile where Renk is located is contested between different ethnic groups.

Ensuring locals are given jobs will only be the beginning of the youth unions struggles. Aid agencies remain hesitant to see themselves as employers and dont provide working environments predicated on the long-term contracts, health benefits, and strong union protection that their foreign employees might expect in their countries of origin.

Ultimately, despite recent measures put in place by aid agencies, youth protests are unlikely to end. In a situation of economic collapse, the unions are asking humanitarians to provide jobs that will enable South Sudans youth to imagine a better future. In a situation of funding shortfalls, its not a demand that humanitarian agencies can answer.

Compounds Attacked Protesters Arrested

South Sudan ambassador makes clarifications on South Sudanâs jobs dilemma

It is not surprising, then, that recent tensions have turned violent. In October, a youth union in the eastern town of Pibor sent a letter to humanitarian agencies working in the area demanding that almost all non-local national staff leave.

The youth then attacked humanitarian compounds and attempted to remove employees. In response to these threats, aid agencies evacuated their relocatable staff and suspended operations in the Greater Pibor Administrative Area.

Trouble has also broken out in Jamjang county in Ruweng Administrative Area at the site of the refugee camps of Ajuong Thok and Pamir, which host people displaced from neighbouring Sudan.

Aid agencies working in the two camps provide much of the available employment for local youth. But after a project was transferred from one NGO to another in early 2021, the latter organisation elected not to renew some contracts, leading to local discontent.

He is only there to stop us protesting.

Complaints focused on the NGOs hiring of personnel from elsewhere in the country, rather than the protesters claimed equally qualified local youth. On 25 April, young men led an assault on the NGOs compound, demanding non-local staff leave. The attack forced peacekeepers to intervene.

A protester involved in the compound attack said it had caused heads to turn. We wrote letters for two years, they said, requesting anonymity. But did nothing. Now, they are paying attention to us.

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Posted: Open positions in the United Nations: new job openings and vacancies. Every open position at FAO in Medical & Health. Openings Mentoring Search Your Applications. Every open position at FAO in Medical & Health. FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Be the first informed.

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